Monday, September 28, 2009

morning gym and study session with biao and daryl was somewhat ruined by the fucked up librarians at angmokio library. they couldnt seem to decide what they wanted us to do, 3 of them giving us 3 separate sets of instructions all within 10mins. rubbish.

but let us not dwell on insignificant unhappiness and focus on the things that are more impt - yumyums at chompchomp(; haha had dinner there with tzetian and waikit tonight. good food, fun company, lotsa stories to share, lotsa rubbish to spew. great fun. i still think its pretty cool that the 3 of us, all different ages and at different stages of our lives now, can still get tgt for a meal and a chat. btw - it was damn classic with waikit and his chocolate icecream craving. haha always thought he was the dieting sort..

i listen: Craig David - Don't Love You No More

Saturday, September 26, 2009

bedok was like a mini sajc canoeing reunion today. i dont know why there were so many ex-sa paddlers there. its spanned over 3 generations yo... haha just made me realise how much i suck at balancing alr - was totally shaking like a leaf. lunch with the guys was cool, the aunty at the coffeeshop can recognise us already, even gave us a plate of free food haha. like wth. everytime we go there, we tell her its the last time so she should give us more food...

ohwell, rest well study hard. late night soccer watching ahead, and theres gym and studying with biao and daryl tmr at yck. its looking like a fruitful weekend(

i listen: Westlife - What Makes A Man

Thursday, September 24, 2009

greetings(; some singtel technicians came by today to set up the mio modem. so now ive got some mio internet and cable! lol i dont really know whats the difference but i guess i'll find out with some time... internet seems to be a little faster though(;

recently its not exactly been good news on all fronts. after hearing A's news and the uncertainty of gym's situation, it really made me think back too. i think its such a downer that things have to go down like that. is this one issue really something that cannot be overcome? maybe its a 'us and them' thing which isnt worth the trouble, regardless of how nice or sweet they are.. ohwell - no matter, life goes on..

i listen: David Cook - Always Be My Baby

Monday, September 21, 2009

weekend spent having family gatherings, awesome meals cum karaoke sessions. its been a complete overload of retro songs, even for me. haha - i like most retro english songs but pls spare me those madarin and dialect songs from generations past. heh. im only an english ahpek. hahaha.

ohh at least i found time to go through the physics tys answers and attempt the econs homework. not a total waste of a weekend(;

i listen: Air Supply - All Out Of Love

Saturday, September 19, 2009

hanging out with the guys. catching up. movie. pool. taunts and teasings. laughter. food.
toss me a nice girl and hand me good grades and life would be perfect (;

i listen: Keith Urban - Kiss A Girl
last night was pretty cool. went with my family to take a walk at geylang serai's night markets after dinner. that totally owned any chinese new year night markets you'll ever see at china town. haha i was so tempted to buy that bamboo floor mat but i controlled myself cos i realised my room's already cramped enough.. haha cool though. there was a point that human traffic was so bad we could barely shuffle forward. and... i swear i felt a hand on my ass... haha. or i could be wrong..

going out with the canoeing guys later, we'll see how that goes - update again tonight perhaps.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

one more paper for prelims, and i can honestly say that it hasnt been the best.
i know i can do better. for now, its physics p1 tmr.

aye, ive been so distracted for these two mcq papers. yesterday i spent the whole afternoon just browsing the web and stoning, and just now i was playing with raisins.. haha like literally. dont ask why but i got quite a kick throwing them into the air and trying to catch them in my mouth. im that distracted - go figure.. i need to focus!

i listen: Homebrewe - Allergy

Thursday, September 10, 2009

kinda breaked today from the studying. apart from some econs readings and crash course for the complex complex complex numbers. oh did i mention complex? yeah after that celebrated sis's birthday belatedly with peewee and xiwen. haha-i didnt even know UP was still screening but we caught it at PS. its really quite touching, the protagonist is such a sweet old man and you could really feel his love for his wife even after so long. aww...

anywayy went all the way to peewee's place at tampines and tried to make sushi for dinner. it was a mess, but a wonderful mess. food is always great when youre having fun i guess. chris gave us a ride home. passed through some familiar places and brought back some memories. yep, memories. ohwell...

anywayy - retarded pictures should be up on facebook soon. view at your own peril.

i listen - Ryan Knorr -Forget It All

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

hils found $2bon the floor today. hils bought and ate 3 cookies with the $2. hils was happy.

haha i feel like some caveman with primal emotions just by typing that. well the cookies were nice, and the crash course is really hlping with my mathss(; fantastic yeah.

deadlift - lets not do that again in a hurry. sunday's session left my hamstrings aching so much i only manage to stumble through 2.4 last night. rarr ruining my running plans..

oh and a sidenote? i theres no bigger turnoff than seeing girls smoking. yucks.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

chs homecoming was great. okay so maybe there wasnt the whole class present, but the little snacks on sale tasted fantastic, and the atmosphere was rocking! haha - well it felt nice going back to the only school that i feel totally at home in. brings back the memories. (cue tears - LOL)

mm took pictures with most of the good ole teachers which should be up facebook later on, but i cant tag most of them cos i dont think they have facebook? dang.. ohwell - SMILE, theres gym tmr! haha. i love it.

Friday, September 04, 2009

finally, a lull to catch my breath. haha i think my stamina is so bad i cant even study for a long period of time.. ok lame. forget i said that. well i hope i cant make the most of this week and get really really productive work done.

that aside, i so seriously need to find some sort of motivation. not just to study, but to do anything. its like life is so aimless right now, haha it kinda sucks if you know what i mean. rarr.

i listen: Shayne Ward - Thats My Goal

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

fantastic, another two papers down today. although that maths was ... *shudders*. nvm. physics wasnt that bad, pretty alright if you ask me.

hilary plans to go swimming tmr after chem paper. lets hope that todays good weather holds up and that it'll be sunny and warm tmr to make the swim all the more enjoyable(;

i listen: Shayne Ward - No Promises