Thursday, September 10, 2009

kinda breaked today from the studying. apart from some econs readings and crash course for the complex complex complex numbers. oh did i mention complex? yeah after that celebrated sis's birthday belatedly with peewee and xiwen. haha-i didnt even know UP was still screening but we caught it at PS. its really quite touching, the protagonist is such a sweet old man and you could really feel his love for his wife even after so long. aww...

anywayy went all the way to peewee's place at tampines and tried to make sushi for dinner. it was a mess, but a wonderful mess. food is always great when youre having fun i guess. chris gave us a ride home. passed through some familiar places and brought back some memories. yep, memories. ohwell...

anywayy - retarded pictures should be up on facebook soon. view at your own peril.

i listen - Ryan Knorr -Forget It All


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