Tuesday, September 18, 2007

im feeling majorly boosted in spirits since i last posted. (given that i last posted right after arsenal won the North London Derby, im feeling positively high at this time)

Monday 170907
amaths paper2. well people who know me should know that i generally dont like saying that a paper is easy, in case i need to eat my words later, but im feeling rather safe to say that this paper was eas... alright. haha. still not willing to say it.

2. thats my favorite number.
2. thats the hours i slept before the amaths paper.
uhuh. did past year distinction questions till 230, went to bed and for some mysterious reason kept waking up due to some disturbing dreams. the first few times, i just woke up, checked the clock and went back to sleep. after awhile, it got so annoying cos it was getting harder to get back to dreamland. then.. my freaking handphone vibrated on this plastic box beside my bed, creating this loud rumbling sound. DAMN. my new phone has this annoying habit of constantly vibrating at intervals of like 10mins if i dont read a message or if theres a missed call. yeah and THAT kept me up till 4. couldnt get back to sleep after that so i sorta lazed around scaring myself silly with thoughts like: ' ohno, what if i get 19< for prelims' ...
well... you get the idea.

for some freak reason, i was so perfectly energised during the paper. its times like this that i really believe that my body isnt made to survive long hours of sleep, cos i tend to wake up sluggish and unproductive. *knockknock* stop being lazy hilary!

alright. soccer after that at iggy's was good. tiring like hell though. look at it this way, having not exercised for .... ? playing 2-3 hours of fast paced street soccer under midday sun can really kill. at least now i can dribble past people and ive started scoring more! =DDD (umm im just happy- not acting cute. so shut up!) hahaha.
watched eurotrip for like the millionth time after that at iggy's.

'if you do not want your valuables to be stolen, you could try discarding them, destroying them, or hiding them in your anus. if a fire breaks up due to the faulty wiring or the fireworks factory upstairs, you will all be incinerated... together with the valuables you have hidden in your anus.'


joel and i were so tired that we barely spoke all the way back to sgn. any other day, i would have practically laughed my ass off at joel as he kept dozing off and almost falling off the seat on the bus. then? too freaking tired to care, i was too busy trying not to fall asleep myself.

Tuesday 180907
NE Quiz today. ummm. just felt like some SS mcq test. building a nation? bah- i only got senior builder. despite going to school on a school-less day, today was really good.

firstly- a beautiful a1 for beloved english. double lucky 7s!
well im not so sure about this second bit, but my K's attitude today has reassured me a little. although i still know that my hist. cant be any that good thanks to my misinterpretation of the essay question, he still kept smiling at iggy and i when we asked about our hist marks.

this is what he said to me:
'i guess its a case of choosing a wrong question.' *SMILE*

go figure, i just hope it means that i didnt do too badly. a b3 pretty please?

alright. after moaning about the gym for so long- signed up for gym and study room at sgn CC today. one year's membership of room and 1month of gym. beautiful. tested the room out for about and hour, doing some physics before i hit the gym. the study room is airconditioned, cosily furnished with great workstations and offers such a conducive environment for someone as easily distracted as me. great. gym? ive been there. not as well equipped as some ive been to, but enough for my needs. yupp. its gonna be a daily thing when school's out.

*ps: ms hua wants me to attach a magnifying glass to any future english essays i have to submit. too bad for her, no more essays to submit! ...only Os left (GULP).


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