Saturday, August 04, 2007

one week. two weeks. yeah, thats all the time thats left between now and prelim3. hell, and i aint even near complete with my revision.

weekends are crammed with late night studying. well... late night rather means till at least 3-4 the next morning. 'early' nights are kinda 1am. yucks. i hate my sleep cycle. its so screwed. as screwed as my eating habits. if i dont die from the lack of sleep (unlikely) then i think id die cos the gastric acids have eaten through my stomach walls. haha. interesting- lets see which one happens first.

see. so stressed and lacking the time already. and edwin and yongsheng still want me to go kayaking with them. crazy fellows. they may have the brains to do ultra last minute cramming , but i know that whenever i do that, i screw up like crazy. thanks but no thanks, ive got a date on that day, with my books, tys and worksheets.

system, making the anyway, this week, my dad got finally got his new car. huge. yupp. tall, big sophisticated looking. personally, i think it feels like sitting in a tank, towering over the rest. haha. i like annoying him by playing with the gps system, making the mechanical woman's voice drone on about instructions on how to get to his destination. hoho. at least now we wont ever get lost in jurong or pungol anymore. here, have a look at the 'face' and the 'ass' of the car:

not bad huh. but dont you think the gold-ish gate looks awfully gaudy? i kept telling him that pure black would look much nicer, but noooo: he made me paint it over with a coat of gold.

national day's coming up next week, so's speech day. so's the releasing of the Olevel Chinese results. eeyer.
mryong says: B3M

alright. today's physics lesson was cut short by half an hour because the lecture theatre was gonna be used for some talk. TSK. haha. how dare yall cut short our lesson in this crucial period. hais. lol. anyway, kevin was supposed to meet me and gym before meeting up with albert. HOWEVER. he ps-ed me. not wanting to go alone, i decided to catch up on homework at home. haha.

oh but i found out that kevin didnt ponn lesson or ps me! apparently his dad went to hospital and needs some minor surgery. ummm. good luck? hope your dad feels better soon.

i tell you. my amaths tuition rocks. its helping so much. all the topics that i was having so much trouble with are becoming so much easier. i guess its because this teacher is good. from what ive heard, he was the holy innocent high version of our very own mdm ee. yeah. he's in the 'miracle' class of teachers. those that can bring out a distinction from a barely pass. yeah. so hopefully i receive the magic touch. heh.

on a completely random note: dont you think that the word 'sorry' is used extremely flippantly these days. in just a regular day in school, i hear that word surface countless times. i guess people think that just by saying sorry, it absolves them from taking the blame for what they've done. hmm. nahh- it doesnt work. only use it when you truly mean it.


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