Tuesday, May 29, 2007

damn i feel very stupid and wrong la. everything i say anything it seems to be wrong and then i regret it instantly.

haii. cant seem to get rid of the habit. hope it doesnt screw me up. ive really got to watch what i say from now on.

Monday 280507
Chinese Os. well. immediately after the paper, i was like: 'OMG. DIE. howhowhowhowhowhow.'
umm. very nervous yea? im getting really high strung, either feeling like being emo or being hyper nowdays. well. after talking to teeleng regarding mr yong's review of the paper, i think it that i should do alright at least. the only worry now is the stupid thing i did with my paper1. tsk. damn retarded. well hope the Olevel markers are kind this year.

apart from that, a rather good day. funny shit. went to the gym with zhishen and met this GAY- or rather kinda sissy guy. haha. and the scary bit was he kept smiling in our direction, hopefully not at us la. then we saw these 2 RI guys who were the funniest people everr.

RI guy 1 : eh. im very fit now alright. ive been training. (sits down at the machine)
RI guy 2: (looks at the weights) waa! so strong ah you. so much weight.
RI guy 1: uhuh. (straining his arms ALOT)

well, i was feeling kaypo so i went over to look after they left. the weight read: 27KG. HAAAAAAAH. okay, i feel abit bad but that really wasnt heavy. ahem, i saw primary school kids doing 23Kg alright. haha. funny.

Ultimate Loser Update: i finally found out that "Whatever" and "Anything" arent new drink flavours. haha. just some random drink in the can. haha. interesting.

the funniness didnt end there. i was walking to bishan bus interchange, behind these 2 primary school boys eating mac ice-creams, when one of them gestured wildly at his friend and caused the scoop of ice cream to FLY off the cone. haha. he was standing there stunned, just holding the cone la. i felt kinda bad for laughing so i pretended to be coughing then walked quickly away.

ooh. while walking on the overhead bridge home, i noticed this huge crow on the streetlamp just above my head so i was thinking: 'better not walk underneath it, dont wanna get hit by birdshit.' annnnd. after altering my path, this guy walked underneath and GOT HIT. hahaha. damn funny la. everything seemed especially funny. haha. i dont know why either.


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