Friday, April 27, 2007

another week over. and this time at least ive done more interesting stuff.

well well. PE was really fun. haha. back to playing badminton. although i must admit that i suck. hahaa. its been too long since i played any sort of sport. haii. finally got all sweaty over a game. yayy. i guess its much better than doing rockwall or tchoukball... hmm, kinda looking forward to hockey though. haha. oh yea, the school admin cancelled assembly to have some cheer practice session for the basketball B.div finals match. errr... stood around not doing much i guess- was trying to decide whether or not to ponn the thing at the time. lunch with iggy and kevin after school in some rather ulu coffee shop at... dunno. ooh- finally decided to go to the finals to support since its kinda my last year to do so, plus we went to make fools of ourselves with kun and joel. eeyer. they made us wait so longfor them to finish their spa mann. bored ourselves to death. the game itself was really good, we WON- well not really surprising (3 years in a row. woohoo!) haha. our bunch seriously made bloody fools of ourselves cheering and singing:

"THATS MY BOY!" ahem.. hahaha.

oh yeah- joel's parents were kind enough to send me all the way back to my house after the match cos of the rain. thanks again.

eeks. can you believe 3 tests in a day? haha. actually only 2 of them required studying. im just so seriously screwed for geog elective- SOMEONE tutor me or something before i die. ohman. well, at least my studying for ss the previous night paid of. i just got the results back today. 11/12 HAHA. well, credit all goes to Mr. K, singapore's... nono... the world's best history and SS teacher. good results follow him everywhere he goes. pure inspiration. hope we dont let him down when it comes to crunch time... there was this emaths test-revision after school. haha. too easy, almost ownage, just 1 or 2 careless mistakes i guess. i really have got to stop making stupid mistakes in tests and exams. yucks.

FRIDAY 270407
hmm. nothing much on. basically the same i suppose. apart from my CL prelim 2 paper. using personal judgement: i guess i should have done reasonably, if not rather, well. all i hope for is that my baozhangbaodao didnt go out of point. eeee. chem spa was so silly, what kind of experiment is so easy, haha. hope that the actual thing is something like that la. gym... hmm. same as usual, im so jealous everytime i see 6.. nono 8pack abs. i WILL achieve it- even if it means forgoing recess everyday to use the school gym- YES, i will do that i think. haha.

oooh. its raining over here at the moment, i hope it stops so i can go jogging with albert and jon later. *crossfingers* haha. cheers. emaths prelim1 next thurs. MUGGGGG.


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