Saturday, March 01, 2008


there never really is enough money is there. there are so many things i wanna buy, and i find myself so cash strapped:

  1. Whey Protein (sharing with huiqin)
  2. Shaker
  3. Gym bag for water trainings
  4. Graphic Calculator
  5. Exercise shirt/shorts
thankfully, i didnt have to spend another $100++ to get my IC back. oh did i mention - i almost lost my wallet this past wednesday. what a loser. it was really really an unlucky day okay. heres what happened. the day itself sucked, lectures were really a bore that day, dunno why but so super boring and tedious. then as cheehao, gideon and i were sitting in the cafe waiting for the others so that we could bus down to bedok, this passing bird dropped some bomb on us. one shot - three kills. no doubt cheehao got the worst of it, on his shirt and pants, but the rest of us got hit on our bottoms too, meaning that i had to go home in wet shorts after trng, since i happily didnt bring other clothes to change into. thus, on the way home, i stuffed my wallet into the tiny pe shorts pocket, where it nicely just fell out at somewhere between bedok at serangoon.

heres where my luck changed. i was waiting with dayna at the bus stop for her mum to pick her up:

dayna: im gonna buy something, do you want anything?
me: nah, dont have much money left, saving money.
(NICE dayna kindly buys a packet of milo for me, attempting to treat me)
me: eh. i cant let you treat me, how much is it?

ahah. because of this, i dug around in my bag for the longest time ever and realised that my wallet was missing. since i knew that benjamin would get off at the last stop, i quickly made phone calls to get his number. called deborah - no reply. called dionis - got guoxiang's number. called guoxiang - got benjamin's number. whew. and i managed to contact benjamin just before he entered amk mrt station. and he actually walked all the way back to the bus interchange where he underwent some interrogation from the office people before finally claiming my wallet back - without anything missing too! cool right.

THE milo packet


*(removed due to her request)

well so as thanks for their help. i actually promised them to treat them to lunch after saturday training. which was today. buttt - due to a unforeseen turn of events, i didnt even join them for lunch today. sorry, i'll make it up to yall the next time we have lunch or dinner together.

training was good. finally moved on from the T-1. morning training was with the other J1s, tested out the JK-1s. really really much more unstable as compared to the T-1s, capped a couple of times, didnt get much practice though. actual practical training was shortened because of the strong winds, then had to share the JK-1 with ben after he finished his sculling test in his T-1. but then, after the J1s finished training, coach and ms ong said that i could move on to the C-1, and raymond offered to stay back and teach me if i was willing. so of course i did. haha. so fun la. i think that since i didnt have to keep passing the boat around, the extra practice time did wonders for my progress. went from not even being able to scull, to being able to place both my feet into the boat and balance in about 3 hours. cool right. loved it. every little bit of progress was gave me such a high feeling. and every time i capsized it just made me more determined to get back in and get it right. totally skipped lunch and didnt even feel it. cant wait for the next water training.

the current situation sucks and im really thinking of just giving it up. wont work out for me anyway.


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