Sunday, July 27, 2008

weekend's almost over, hope it was productive

ah this past weekend has been rather eventful.

training as usual on saturday. didnt really feel like myself, couldnt concentrate on paddling because i knew something was wrong with my strokes in the k1. nvm, ive consulted people about it, and its time to start the rebuilding program again. i WILL do it, no matter what it takes, hate the feeling of seeing people paddling in front of me down the lane. was kinda a downer till i did that final set with gideon in the k2. okayy so maybe we're not exactly the most complimentary pair in the k2, but it seriously gave me the feeling that im more cut out for k2 and/or k4. the few trngs that ive used those boats ive been so much more comfortable than in k1 and my strokes have had much better frequency and efficiency. hmms. only time will tell i suppose, now.. focus.

farewell dinner with the j2s, j3s, j4s went okay i hope. i know from my end it was just one scare after another, rushing to be in time for the bqq caterer, then not being sure we ... ahh well shant air dirty laundry here. haha :) seems like the people there had a rather good time so im having no regrets at all the time spent on it. its their smiles and laughter that really makes the effort worthwhile. but then again, im so gonna get cheehao back for masterminding the effort to throw me in the pool. ohyeah, cheehao you are so dead. hahaha.

mizuno wave run this morning. organisation was much better this year in comparison. the running track.. slightly better, perhaps cos theres no mud! haha. mmm the run itself was good too, improved my timing by 5mins! ahaha. even though didnt train at all for this run. woo. fun. the first 7km were a breeze luh, dont know why i wasnt panting at all. maybe the lack of training hit me after that, noticed that i slowed down alot. ohwell, just means more training for me to get ready for the standard chartered lo. but still .. 54mins!! yay :) hilary is feeling quite good today. took and nap after, so feeling quite rested too. haha.


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