Tuesday, November 13, 2007

some older guys showed up.
some victor guy pissed people off with rough play.
we almost got into a fight with those people.
some other big dude stamped on my toe and it started to bleed.
it was hot.
i came home.
i dont want to talk about it.

i digress. let me entertain myself by talking a little about the Reading vs Arsenal match that i watched this morning. possibly the most boring and time wasting match ive watched in quite a while. i dont even know why i bothered waking up at 4 to watch. tsk. sure, arsenal won 1-3, but it looked like the players were just going through the motions- practically walking about. no excitement man. oh and there was this point where fabregas did some super duper stupidly obvious two-handed pull on some reading player, getting himself a yellow card and the subsequent suspension. at the time, i was kinda pissed cos he'd miss the next game against wigan. but then, after looking back at it, its kinda smart actually, it clears his slate of the previous 4 yellow cards and removes the risk of being suspended for more taxing and challenging matches coming up. damm smart can. therefore, the point of this long boring seemingly pointless paragraph is that arsenal players are smart.

anyway, today, i undertook operation packing/clearing phase 2. cleaned out the wardrobe. as a result:

just look at how many sets of clothes i had to clear cos i dont wear them. tsk tsk tsk. moral of the story, people should never buy me clothes for presents and such, cos the odds that i wont ever wear those clothes is super high.

oh and looking into the terrible mess that was in my wardrobe, i found so much stuff from my NCC and OAL days. hmm. now what am i going to do with a whoe box full of ncc badges, or chs metal buttons and rings, or 2 whole tubes of sunblock, or green army camo, or 2 mess tins, or 2 metal disposable stoves, or army issue insect repellant? holy crap, the worst was when i found such a huge stash of ziploc bags and black trash bags from camping preparations. now now, what am i going to do with so much stuff.

hmm, does anyone have this song:

Paramore- CrushCrushCrush

mind sending it to me?

on another note, since the people around me (ahem-ahem, you know who you are) seem so obsessed with jojo at this point of time:

yea sorry theres only one but my others cant seem to upload.


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