Thursday, February 22, 2007

okay, i just read wye keat's blog, and i found these lines rather true. hope he doesnt mind that i use a few that i find are exceptionally true, here goes:

3. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
12. Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.
13. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
16. Girls are guys' weaknesses.
18. It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long.
21. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
29. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't be mature and grown up.
34. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.
35. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.
41. Guys like femininity not feebleness.
44. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
51. Not all guys are assholes. Just because ONE is a jackass doesnt mean he represents ALL of us.

well. this is just some food for thought. heh.

ooh. theres cross-country tommorow and prelim1's next week! time for serious crunch time this weekend. i'll get back probably after my prelims.


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